For all the times that you get hurt in an accident, it is very important to get a hold of the best lawyers. Under a well-managed court system like Boston, it is quite easy to get justice in the cases of accidents. Therefore, it is important to keep a Boston injury lawyer who would be on your side during this time. They would help you get the best compensation so that you can continue your life after the accident like before. The Boston injury attorneys put a legal team consisting of 3-person who would take care of the cases by taking their precious time to know you and help you through the case.
Jason Stone Injury Lawyers’ main aim is to give you satisfaction by protecting you.
Damage Claims In a Car Accident
Under the Massachusetts court, there is a strict no-fault insurance system. This means that you will have to turn to your insurance policy of no-fault for paying the initial medical bills. This is all in case of a motor vehicle accident. Regardless of who caused the car accident, this clause is true. The first-party benefits like this would help you to pay your medical care up to a certain limit that is $8,000.00.
The insurance companies of course do not play it well when it is time for them to pay for the bills after a motor vehicle accident. This is where the Boston car accident lawyer shows up to help you to get your claims from the insurance company. The insurance company tries to limit the medical benefits and the other victim in the accident can press charges totally on you and your family. The attorneys help you to get through these problems and help you get your appropriate medical benefits without a single extra charge.
If you have faced a car accident, contact today for the best Boston car accident attorney at Jason Stone Injury Lawyers, 225 Friend St #102, Boston, MA 02114, United States. Or just give us a call at - +16175234357 for your case review. Check out all of our services at
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